The first step is by far the easiest part and perhaps the hardest. The easy part is getting started. The hard part is picking up the phone and making the call. Make the call to 301.424.0007.
Now we make it even easier! Call for a free consultation and an actual sample dance lesson. When you come in for your FREE TRIAL LESSON, one of our trained professionals will take the time to find out what your needs are. Your teacher will try to understand your ideas and help you start transforming them into reality starting with a sample lesson.
Often people fear not knowing what to ask for or asking the wrong questions. Some people don’t even know that dances have names.
By discussing your needs with a trained professional you can determine what you need to learn and what is the proper approach to achieve your goals. A sample lesson will show you not only how easy it is to learn, but that YOU CAN LEARN!
At this point, your teacher will review our programs with you and help you register on the one that’s right for you.
Call now and make an appointment for YOUR trial dance lesson in Fairfax VA or one of our Maryland locations.
You can come in by yourself or with a partner. So now, all you have to do is pick up the phone and take the first step towards adding lots of fun to the rest of your life. All it takes is a phone call and the rest that’s left is figuring out what to wear to your next party. Your life will be transformed forever.

Our Locations
Some of our services include:
- Dance classes for beginners
- Dance lessons in Rockville (North Potomac), Fairfax, VA, & Silver Spring MD
- You’ll learn the art of dance at one the finest dance schools around
- We make each dance class interesting and fun
Locations in Virginia and Maryland
Call: 301.424.0007